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NHYSC Position on 2020 Season

By Admin, 06/25/20, 1:00PM EDT


In today's social media world information can often be misstated, misunderstood, and inaccurate.

In today's social media world information can often be misstated, misunderstood, and inaccurate.

The NHYFSC and its member associations have been discussing the pandemic and its effect on the sports of cheer and football since March. The conference early on stated its intent to have a season for 2020, it of course would be within the recommendations and rules as outlined by local and national authority. It has been a difficult and challenging course as there is not a clear path.

The governor of NH has been working with a task force to reopen NH, one area is youth sports. On June 22nd, the governor cleared all youth sports the ability to take the field with certain restrictions still in place such as social distancing. This information may be found at NH.Gov.

During our ongoing discussions with our member associations, the conference has clearly stated while the plan is to have a 2020 season, we might not be able to if there are expectations that cannot be met. However, at present the plan is to still have a 2020 season.

During the ongoing discussions, the conference has clearly stated each association will make its own determination if they will participate in the 2020 season. The conference clearly supports the decision of each association, whether it is to participate or not, as the decision was reached by the association board of directors and their community. Currently we have 9 associations who have decided not to participate in the 2020 season, 7 are cheer and football and 2 is cheer only.

The conference has provided draft protocols and will continue to do as state, national and CDC guidelines change to open the fields to the athletes. Protocols will be based on the best-known practices in managing youth sports.

Thank you for your patience, support, and input as we move forward.

NHYFSC Conference Board